Welcome to East Central Appraisals and Consulting Inc.
We look forward to serving you in providing professional appraisals of your property. We understand where you live and work. We have specialized in rural and remote Alberta for more then 15 years.
About Us
East Central Appraisal located in Castor Alberta has served rural central Alberta for more then seven years. Specializing in farmland, remote properties and rural locations we look forward to serving you.
Estate Strategy Service
We have over a decade of experience with estates and probate
with that experience we have developed a strategy to simplify the process for your family when you pass on.
Land Values
East Central Appraisals is offering a land valuation database. This database provides the essential land valuation information needed for commercial and agricultural lenders, land men and companies working with farmland.
Contact us for more information
Personal Property Appraisals
If you are going through a divorce, dealing with CRA with an Estate, or fighting with an insurance company on a claim on your vehicle we can help. We have been appraising farm machinery, vehicles, construction equipment and household items since 2015.
We are Alberta only practicing in real estate and personal property valuations.